Tuesday, September 13, 2005


I am so sleepy... I think I woke up at like 2am in the morning and couldn't get back to sleep.

I just had the weirdest dream...

You know the state when you're about to wake up... and you're in this stage when you're JUST beginning to feel your body and mind? Yup... that was when I heard a female voice telling me, "pls... pls... pls..." in my right ear. IMMEDIATELY, I opened my eyes and I swear I still felt my ear tingling and there were shivers down my spine... *brrrr*... is it cold in here or is it just me?

I swear there were nights when I felt like there's SOMETHING in my room. But usually, my mind is stronger than my body. I'll make myself daydream of something else and keep thinking to myself, "there is NOTHING there... I'm just imagining things". Then soon, I'll fall asleep.

ALSO, it really doesn't help when my brother keeps telling me that he has seen some freaky stuff in my room (and I don't mean my vibrator... *opps*... anywayz)... and well, my brother has always seem to be able to see 'shadows' ever since he was young. And I don't mean to be paranoid, but I do believe him... cuz of certain situations that had happened and it just seemed too much of a coincidence.

But like I said... the mind is always stronger than the body. And whenever I feel scared... I'll just imagine that Jay Chou or Lin Jun Jie is hugging me in their arms... (HOLY CRAP did I just say that?! Stop that, Jeanie... you're turning 26 in October)... ...

... ... am I really getting old?... ...

... speaking of Jay Chou and Lin Jun Jie... ... oh nevermind... I'll leave that topic to my next blog...